Chronic fatigue syndrome is a stubborn, seemingly unexplainable fatigue that lasts for more than 6 months and is not remedied by rest. No matter how severe your fatigue is, its exhaustion and weariness can be a cumbersome wet blanket on life. Significant lack of energy can make even the smallest of tasks monumentally difficult and adversely affect our work and relationships.
An Imbalance of Energies
According to Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic healthcare practice, fatigue is a result of an imbalance of critical energies in the body. Chronic stress creates this disharmony when the mind and body become overextended and overtaxed. This level of strain produces depletion and deficiencies. In order to re-balance and align the energies that determine the functionality of our vital systems, we must first be mindful to rest in accordance to our level of activity, i.e. work hard, rest hard.
Improve Digestion to Overcome Fatigue
Digestion is the seat of good health, so improving digestion is an important factor in overcoming fatigue. That means eating regular, balanced, wholesome, seasonal, and clean meals that don’t overstuff you or challenge your digestion. Ginger, garlic, and turmeric are wonderful additions to meals that assist the digestive process.
Daily routines and avoiding stimulants that create a false sense of vitality also help reduce the extremes that deplete us. And although naps are tempting when we feel drained, they disrupt proper sleep cycles and cause us stay up late, which is not awesome for fatigue.
In addition to adjusting our diet and lifestyle, there are Ayurvedic herbs that help combat fatigue and support the body’s ability to regain strength and vigor.