The Very Beginning--The Foundation of the Modern Day Cookie – 7th Century AD
Cookies originated in Persia (now Iran) a loooong time ago when they began cultivating sugar. Bakers made small, round “test cakes” to check their oven temperature (obviously not regulated with electricity like they are now).
Cookies in the 14th Century
By now, cookies were popular enough to be found in Renaissance cookbooks. Were they as healthy and delicious as Maxine’s Heavenly cookies? No.
16th Century: Biscuits or Cookies? Potato - Potahto
In the Renaissance periods and later, cookies were called an array of things such as biscotti, bisetellos, rusks, morsels, wafers, and biscuits, among other things. Biscuits called hard tack were a common food item, because it was inexpensive and they traveled well (much like our snack packs!). They were popular on boats. (Chips) Ahoy there, matey! #DadJoke